IVF Own eggs and partner's semen

In Vitro Fertilization (IVF):

IVF own eggs and partner's sperm

In in vitro fertilization of one's own eggs and a partner's sperm, gametes are used.

own, that is, the sample is taken from each person in the couple and the

combination of these in the laboratory.

What is the best treatment for me?

To find out what is the best treatment for your specific situation, make an appointment with one of our specialists so they can guide you in fulfilling your dream of becoming pregnant again.


Fecundar Centro de Reproducción Humana

Stimulation of the ovary with hormones

Fecundar Centro de Reproducción Humana

Oocyte retrieval

Fecundar Centro de Reproducción Humana

Oocyte insemination

Fecundar Centro de Reproducción Humana

Follicular aspiration performed under sedation.

Fecundar Centro de Reproducción Humana

Medication for treatment.

Fecundar Centro de Reproducción HumanaFecundar Centro de Reproducción Humana

Embryo Thawing

What the treatment includes:

Fecundar Centro de Reproducción Humana

Medical monitoring and control of hormonal stimulation

Fecundar Centro de Reproducción Humana

Post transfer consultation

Fecundar Centro de Reproducción Humana

Embryo transfer to the mother's uterus

Fecundar Centro de Reproducción Humana

Follicular aspiration performed under sedation

Fecundar Centro de Reproducción Humana

Medication for treatment



( $2,500.00 for vitrification kit if needed, $800,000 annual bank cost)

They do not include treatments


Our patients have decided to share their experience at Fecundar so that they can learn about our work first-hand.



The Fourth Doctor is the best. The first time I got pregnant... Thank God and him, he has hands



Donnie Gallagher

Fertilizing helped us achieve our goal of having a child. I will never be able to fully repay you for the gratitude I have for giving us such a blessing that is now in our lives...

Read more


Congratulations fertilize, you make dreams come true. Thank you for the support of a group of comprehensive professionals and the work team, anything is possible. 👏👏


I find opportunity in appointments with specialists, delicate attention from staff, prices in laboratories and affordable diagnostic images. Neat and safe place.


The attention, support, closeness of the doctors and staff in general makes the search for a baby calm.


The Fourth Doctor is the best. The first time I got pregnant... Thank God and him, he has hands


Frequent questions

  • What is the main cause of infertility in women?

    There are many factors that cause Female Infertility, including:

    • Ovulation Problems
    • Endometriosis
    • Poor egg quality
    • Polycystic ovary syndrome
    • Obstruction of the fallopian tubes
    • Unexplained fertility problems
    • Combined fertility problems
  • What is the main cause of infertility in a man?

    En el hombre, las causas más frecuentes de infertilidad, son las alteraciones en la calidad en el eyaculado y, por consecuencia, son:

    • De tipo general: como el tabaquismo, estrés, consumo excesivo de alcohol, contaminación ambiental.
    • De tipo mecánico: impotencia o exceso de actividad sexual masculina.
    • Endocrinas: híper o hipotiroidismo, hipopituitarismo, síndromes androgenitales y diabetes severa.
    • Enfermedades o infecciones: varicocele, dermatitis, paperas (de niño) prostatovesiculosis y ciertas enfermedades de transmisión sexual.
  • Can I have a baby with endometriosis?

    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec dictum viverra vulputate. Pellentesque ac nibh mauris. Mauris tincidunt sed massa in suscipit. Etiam pharetra luctus molestie. Mauris laoreet accumsan quam, at varius massa dignissim non. Duis vitae varius dolor, eget tincidunt lorem. Vestibulum fermentum mauris id ligula tempus, eget pulvinar neque semper. Nullam augue lectus, pharetra id efficitur eu, laoreet quis enim.

  • Can I get pregnant after having Pomeroy surgery?

    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec dictum viverra vulputate. Pellentesque ac nibh mauris. Mauris tincidunt sed massa in suscipit. Etiam pharetra luctus molestie. Mauris laoreet accumsan quam, at varius massa dignissim non. Duis vitae varius dolor, eget tincidunt lorem. Vestibulum fermentum mauris id ligula tempus, eget pulvinar neque semper. Nullam augue lectus, pharetra id efficitur eu, laoreet quis enim.

  • Can I get pregnant with only one tube?

    Yes, although the process is probably faster with two healthy tubes.

  • Should we both go for a consultation?

    Yeah. Infertility is a couple problem. The problem can be in either one or even both, which is why the study must be carried out on both members. Fertilizing counts for the care of both the Gynecologist for women and the Andrologist for men.

  • What is Artificial Insemination (AI)?

    It is an Assisted Reproduction procedure, the simplest, which consists of depositing the semen previously treated in the laboratory (where mobile sperm are isolated and incubated in a suitable culture medium) in the uterus, injecting it through a cannula.

    Intracervical insemination (in the cervix) is rarely performed today and what is usually carried out is intrauterine insemination (IUI, the semen is deposited in the uterus).

  • What is endometriosis?

    It is a disease that occurs during a woman's reproductive age in which the endometrial tissue, which normally lines the internal cavity of the uterus, comes out of it. Typically the affected areas are the ovaries, fallopian tubes, the surface of the uterus and the walls of the pelvis. It is seen more in women between 30 and 40 years old and especially if they have not had children when they were young. It is associated with painful menstrual periods or sexual intercourse and infertility. Endometriosis is a chronic disease but it is not a tumor.

IVF treatments do not include:

    Medical examinations necessary for diagnosis Transfer of leftover vitrified embryos Does not include value of leftover vitrification kit Any other unspecified service

These prices include the processes carried out by our dream team, which are necessary for the success of fertilization, from the first consultation until pregnancy is achieved.

What is the best treatment for me?

To find out what is the best treatment for your specific situation, make an appointment with one of our specialists so they can guide you in fulfilling your dream of becoming pregnant again.

Contact Us


Cra 40# 5B-105, Cali, Colombia

Tequendama neighborhood




(602) 6200968 

57 318 8066042



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